Thursday, December 8, 2011


MISAF consists of social workers and returned Bangladeshi migrants concerned about the health and welfare of Bangladeshi migrants and their families who pay large sums for job placement foreign countries. We are aware of the risks to the migrants posed by recruiters and agents who collect money, by the employers who exploit vulnerable workers, and of dangers nature of the work. With this in mind, we have established this non-governmental foundation to alleviate some of physical and mental suffering of the migrant workers.


             The name of the Foundation is Migrant Sanctuary Foundation, abbreviated as     


           The registered office of MISAF is Ka-93, Kuril Kazibari. P.O. Khilkhet.P.S. Baddah.Dhaka-1229

III.       Operational Area
We work mainly in the area near Dhaka in order to serve departing and returning
migrants, while our information and reach will extent more widely throughout the country.

IV.       Objective and purpose
            We are a non-government, non-profit, voluntary and charitable organization. After obtaining necessary permission from the Government or concerned authorities, we will carry out the following objectives. 

1.      Research and explore difficulties faced by migrants before departing to work abroad and after returning to Bangladesh.
2.      Provide information in Bengali about receiving countries to migrants before departure to ensure understanding and compliance of the local laws, regulations, customs, and rights. This will include publication and distribution of literature in Bengali from government authorities in receiving countries, talks and discussions between returned migrants and departing migrants, stories and diaries about migrants experiences, published material about issues relating to migrants, awareness programs such as drama, training, seminars and workshops.
3.      Provide information concerning cultural norms and expectations of personal behaviour and interaction with the local population in the receiving country in order to avoid negative stereotyping and unwarranted discrimination against migrant populations.
4.      Increase awareness among the general public of the vulnerability of incurring debt before job placement, and the ways to protect against unscrupulous recruiters or agents i.e. insisting on receipts and the full personal particulars of the person to whom money is paid. Produce and disseminate information about the potential dangers of selling land and treasure, borrowing at interest, and depending on remittances from abroad as a way of improving the family’s situation.
5.      Provide temporary accommodation, free medicine, and referrals to appropriate authorities for migrants returning and departing migrants.
6.      Provide emergency facilities and assistance with reintegration to returning migrants.
7.      Receive aid, grants, donations, assistance, and subscriptions for the purpose of administering and maintaining MISAF in compliance with regulation ordinance No. 1978.

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